Friday, February 17, 2012

two months

How can it be that my baby is two months old?! (Ha! I'm that mom that's calling her youngest child, her baby!)
The past two months have been just the sweetest with this little guy! I would be lying to you if I made it seem like everything is always rosey. There are those crazy moments when all three kids need my attention, or when Heath is having a meltdown in the middle of McDonalds, or when Nolan talks back, or when Brooks poops again the second I close the tabs on his fresh diaper. But really truly, Brooks is an angel! God is smiling down on me with this one for sure! He needed me to be open to His moving in my life and give up my tight reign when he surprised me with him. But BOY did he ever give me the most amazing gift in Brooks!

This was the first smile of his that I caught on camera. I took it with the camera on my phone, so it's not super clear, but I will always love it because it was his first. MY LAST FIRST smile. Yes, I am sadly and nostalgically labeling everything he does as MY LAST FIRST. I always think that he looks like Heath, until he smiles. He definitely has his own smile and it's a goofy one! But still so cute.

This precious little thing is sleeping 6 to 8 hours straight every night! AMAZING!

And he is still just as easy going as ever! He barely cried when he got his first shots today. He loves watching his big brothers and they love holding his hands, rubbing his hair, and shaking toys in his face. I have also caught Heath trying to pick up Brooks two different times this week. Need to keep a close eye on that crazy one!

Brooks is impartial about the swing, his paci, and the play mat. But he does enjoy his cozy blankies, papasan chair, warm baths, and sucking on his bottom lip. When he's excited he sticks his tongue out and his arms and legs go wild! He talks and coos quietly and smacks his lips when he's hungry.

He has a little fussy time, usually around the time when I'm trying to get dinner on the table. Figures. But if you hold him, he stops. It doesn't take much. He is carted around to and from preschool four days a week and seems to have to take his morning nap in the car. He is staying awake more and more throughout the day and his neck, core, and legs are getting stronger and stronger.

Brooks still has dark hair and skin. Let's see if it stays that way! Right now everyone says that he looks like me, but I bet ya by 4 months he'll be as blonde and fair and his big brothers!

At 2 months he is our longest baby with the biggest head! But he is smack dab between the two boys as far as weight. If you want to compare Brooks, Heath, and Nolan's stats at 2 months, theirs are listed here.

Weight- 11 pounds 3 ounces (40%)
Height- 24 1/4 inches (90%)
Head Circumference- 39.4 centimeters (30%)

I have two more weeks at home with him every day before I have to go back to work. AHHH, I really don't want to think about that. I've got to get all my snuggles in now while I can.

When we look at Brooks we just can't believe that he is ours. And we can't believe that this same time last year we would have never imagined him in our lives. He's a miracle and we just love him to pieces.


Jill Sloothaak said...

sweet! such an adorable boy! i wish it didn't have to be sooooo long until i could get my hands on him!

Cara S. said...

I can't wait to hold him tonight!