Wednesday, January 2, 2013

a few randoms to finish out 2012

I have SO MUCH blogging to catch up on! But here are a few random pictures that never made their way into blog posts to finish out 2012...

 Here are some pictures from Brooks' REAL 1st birthday: December 17, 2012. 
Mark and I took the day off and we just hung out as a family. We opened up a few more gifts from family members who weren't at the party. The Sloothaaks sent another super cute package as usual!  

Mommy & Daddy bought Brooks some much needed pajamas! 

The one year old sitting in his birthday chair! 

We skyped with Grandma and Griffin. Auntie wasn't home and Grandpa had bowling that night, but Brooks got lots of phone calls, texts, and Facebook love on his b-day from friends and family near and far. 

Uncle T. sent some cute t-shirts for Brooks! 

Love this picture that Heath caught of Mark and I playing a rousing game of Guess Who! 

It is our family's new favorite game! 

Doing a little Christmas Shopping at Old Navy. Think the boys would like a dog? 

Eckabee back in action! Can you spot him? 

A fun cousin night! 

Over the next couple of days I hope to get caught up on blogging about all the fun we've been having! 

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