Friday, April 10, 2015

All American You and Me

Waaaaay back in February, during the week of President's Day, the 1st Grade classes at Mammoth Heights had an "All American You and Me" performance. Little did we know that this performance was a big deal! It must have taken a lot of rehearsal and a lot of hard work to pull off! It was adorable and Mark and I were so proud…but completely oblivious going in that it was such a BIG DEAL! We thought they would just be singing a few songs in the classroom and showing off their projects. But it was a packed house in the gym and the classes each did an amazing job! Here are a few snippets of their songs! 
Nolan is on the top row, about in the middle of the flag. 

Star Spangled Banner- I love when he really sings out! 

This Land is Our Land- check out Mr. G. He's so fun! 


My All American Boy! 
Love him! He is such a sweetheart! 

After the kids sang we joined Nolan back in his classroom so that he could show us his team research project on an American Symbol. 
He chose the Bald Eagle and worked with Dakota and Jayden. Together they made this cool poster! 

Complete with a QR code that we scanned on the iPad. Nolan had to teach me all about QR codes! Oh man! The things they learn in just 1st Grade are amazing! 

The QR code led us to his Explain Everything project where he had typed in facts and dragged in screen shots of pictures of Bald Eagles and had recorded his voice stating facts! 
Pretty incredible! 

Love this kid and so proud of all he's learned this year! So thankful for his great school and dedicated teachers! It was a fun morning! 

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