Wednesday, January 4, 2012

C is for Cookie

C is for Cookie...Heath's main food group!
He wakes up every morning asking for a cookie. You'd think that one of these days he'd realize that he is NEVER given a cookie for breakfast. But the kid is relentless and he is probably given way more cookies then we ever gave Nolan! He has such a sweet tooth!

While my mom was here we did a lot of cookie baking and the boys loved helping out in the kitchen!

Mark made my mom's fabulous "Surprise Package Cookies". They are Mark's favorite cookie and he makes them each Christmas. They have an Andes mint inside! Delish!

Before Grandma arrived Nolan had asked her if they could make Gingerbread men together.

We had never made them before, so we actually just bought pre made dough and then had fun rolling it out, cutting the shapes, and decorating them.

To decorate we used raisins, m&m's, craisins, and "red nods" as Nolan kept calling the red hots! Ha!
He really liked the red hots! Guess he loves cinnamon, he had never had them before.

Our first three cookies- one is Nolan's, one is my Mom's, and one is Heath's. Can you guess whose is whose?

After we made Gingerbread men Nolan also wanted to get out our other cookie cutters. We made a cookie with each of our initials. We'll need to get one for Brooks now!

Later in the week we also made sugar cookies and spritz cookies with my mom's new automatic spritz cookie gun! The boys had fun shooting the dough out onto the cookie tray!

Look who had a little too much fun with the flour!

And of course with so many cookies around the house we are now all feeling like we need to hit the gym! But they sure were yummy and we made some more wonderful memories making them!

1 comment:

pamnrandy said...

Top Chef-Cookies Wars in their future?