Monday, December 8, 2014


I love November. It's a month to slow down and simplify and reflect. I love to take a few moments with my boys each day to listen to their hearts and to talk about what we are thankful for. 

Since Nolan was 3 we've done a project each year to write down their blessings and to display them throughout the month so that it reminds us of just how much GOOD we have in our lives. 
This year we made a Thankful Chain! It was fun to see the chain grow each day as both boys added a link. 

Heath did a great job stretching out sounds to spell his words. This was also a great way for him to work on sound spelling and letter and number formation. He would write in pencil and then I traced his words with a Sharpie so that they could be easily read. Pencil was the way to go so that we could fix up letter formation when needed. 

Nolan was able to whip out his ideas easily and wrote his in Sharpie. Still love his developmental 1st grade spelling- charch=church. :) 

By the end of the month we had two chains to decorate both windows in our kitchen. We still have them up because I can't bear to take them down even though we've already moved on to Christmas. I just love their sweet hearts and pray that they will always feel blessed by our amazing God who provides our daily needs and also so many of our wants as well. 

Just for my memories sake, here is the run down on their daily thanks: 
Nolan- Chicago, movies, Heath, Daddy, Cohen, Brady, my room, Brooks, church, my fish, house, food, donuts, Landon, Mommy, Legos, school, Uncle T., friends, Grandma, Auntie, Grandpa, Flobby, Auntie Laura, trips, Broncos, Oma & Opa, computer, Christmas, God
Heath- house, Brooks, Nolan, Mommy, Landon, Daddy, bed, car, Legos, T.V., drawing, McDonalds, Aunties, outside, clothes, food, Grandma, weddings, Oma, my fish, Opie, Grandpa, my cat book, movies, Uncles, blankies, drinks, iPad, shoes, t-ball

Heath's Preschool Class was having a Thanksgiving Feast the day that we went to Oklahoma. So, since he was going to have to miss it, I popped into his classroom the day before we left to watch their class practice their Thanksgiving performance songs.

They were so cute! Heath's smile makes me grin from ear to ear. I just love it! You can tell how happy and proud and a little bit nervous he is. 
He's the only one wearing his Turkey Hat because he wouldn't be there for the real party day, so they let him wear it for the practice. 
He loves school and is having a great year! 
These fun preschool memories are the best! 

On Thanksgiving morning we love to sleep in, drink coffee, watch the parade, and cuddle on the couch. It's our little tradition and we love it. We relaxed all morning and Skyped with my fam and then headed over to the Syers' house for dinner. 
The weather was warm and the kids played outside and jumped on the trampoline! They had a great time being all together, which doesn't happen that often anymore. 

This little ball hog was having a stand off with Arie. They both had balls that they were guarding fiercely! Ha! 

Us adults put the finishing touches on food, watched football, and chatted in the kitchen. I always make my Mom's famous corn casserole. We have it one time a year and always look forward to it! 

By late afternoon it was time to eat! 
Nolan was proud to be the head of the table- across from Uncle Wes and Brady! 

These two buds were ready to dig in! 

One half of the table! 

Heath and I sat next to each other last year too and took a similar picture, so we snapped another one this year! 1 year after my thyroidectomy. I am thankful to be cancer free and healthy for sure! 

Everything tasted great and was HOT out of the oven. The kids always finish early and then head off to play. So us adults sat and finished eating and relaxed and talked some more. 

Then we all helped clear the table and the guys did a great job washing dishes. 

Sue planned her fun Turkey Game as usual! This year some of the kids played a few rounds on their own just for fun and then we did a family face off. 

Dave and Sue were the winners! 

Our little Turkey! 

After the game the Vogelzang's came by for pie! 

The kids played some more and started to wind down- playing on iPads, and computers, and watching movies throughout the house. 
We had a great family day! Thanks Cara & Wes for hosting! 

But Turkey Day would not be complete without a little Dance War! My lovely sister-in-law Laura did a beautiful interpretive Christmas dance to welcome in the holiday season. She then called out a few of her friends and family members to show off their moves too! 
When Mark and I got home that night we stepped up to the challenge! Gobble Baby, gobble baby, gobble baby, gobble baby! 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 

1 comment:

Jill Sloothaak said...

So very thankful for YOU and your awesome family!!