Friday, August 3, 2012

Grandma is back in town!

My Mom came into town at just the perfect time! She helped us so much during a very busy time of moving, unpacking, and organizing our new house! She helped clean, cook, bake, do laundry, iron, shop, sew curtains, watch & play with the boys, and do so many other little things around the house throughout her almost 2 week stay. 

We didn't do much while she was here. We just played and spent time together! And it was wonderful. 
This post is full of random photos from my Mom's stay...
 She is such a good sport and reads to the boys while they poop! Gross, I know! But she's an amazing Grandma! 

They sucker her in to reading book after book after book! 

My Dad ordered Nolan High Five Magazine a year or so ago! Nolan looks forward to getting a new magazine in the mail each month. Nolan and Grandma were looking for the "Hidden Pictures"! 

Grandma is a great playmate! She played these rhyming and alphabet puzzles with the boys countless times! Heath did such a great job finding and saying all the rhymes! When he puts his mind to something he sticks with it! It took him a long time to complete but he worked so hard until he got all 26 matches! 

A visit just wouldn't be complete without a stop at FroYo! Yum!

Grandma had a good time in the boxes too! 

Doing some artwork at our island! We LOVE our island...we eat here, we do crafts here...we hang out and talk here while I'm cooking! It's pretty awesome! 

My Aunt Debbie came for lunch one day. We ate yummy BLT's and she played and played and played with the boys! She has a great imagination! 

And as always, we did a lot of fun baking! Grandma and Nolan tried a new Jello cookie recipe. They didn't turn out too well. They got a little brown, and the flavor wasn't really that great. I actually ended up throwing most of them away, sadly, but they had fun making them. 

I had to work a couple of days so Grandma watched the boys at home. They made pudding pops! Ya think Heath liked them?

And we also made chocolate covered pretzels with m&m's on top! They didn't last long around here! 

We spent a lot of time playing outside...
Brooksie having a bottle on the porch

Heathy practicing his bike riding! Too cute! 

 Swing batter batter batter! 

Be a hitter number 50! That's the number Nolan likes to be! Ha! 

We checked out the two parks in our new neighborhood.

They are great! Heath has found a new love at the park- the pole! He wants to slide down it over and over and over again. 

He also liked this cool zip line! 

Nolan discovered a new love for tunnel slides! He went down it "fifty teen" times! Or at least thats what he said.

Nolan and Grandma checking out a man flying a small helicopter. Can you see it just to the left of my Mom? Nolan thought it was pretty neat! 

And Brooks just loves being outside! 
 One night my Uncle Gerry, Christine, and Katie came over for dinner. We had a nice time catching up and we took these photos to help celebrate my Mom's Aunt Dorothy's 90th birthday from afar! 

The boys had fun playing "party" and being "horn men"! They were pretty funny! I told them not to repeat that in public though! Ha!

During Grandma's stay she took each of the boys out on a special date. Nolan got to go see the new Ice Age movie and go shopping at Target. Heath just went shopping. They both got to pick out a small toy. Nolan chose these aliens and Heath chose Zurg's Robot. Grandma had also brought them those 3 cute, stuffed Star Wars guys. 

My Mom said it was so nice to take them out one on one, to drive together, to walk along side each other, and to have little conversations with them. They were both excellent shoppers and were sweet and so well behaved. Things get crazy at times with all three boys and it is so important to build in intentional time with each boy on their own. I really appreciated her desire to carve out time to love on each boy individually! The smile on Nolan's face when he walked in the door at the end of his date night was simply the best! He felt incredible! 

 Our Mom/Daughter photo, on the deck! We snap one every trip! 

That's it for now...28 pictures so far, and still more fun to come...

1 comment:

Jill Sloothaak said...

FUN! I love getting to see glimpses into your new house! Can't believe I haven't gotten that Skype tour yet....let's get on it! :) Can't wait to read more about her visit!