Wednesday, June 1, 2011

18 months!

Heath is 18 months!
Wow! Where has the time gone?

Here are his most recent stats:
Height- 33.5 inches @ 80%
Weight- 25.8 pounds @ 45%
Head Circumference- 48.6 centimeters @ 75%

As you can see he is still a solid boy! But crazy enough, he weighs a whole 5 pounds less than Nolan did when he was 18 months! And now Nolan has just shot up and thinned out! It's hard to imagine what Heath will look like in a year or even just in a few months!

We are so proud of all that Heath has learned in the past 6 months! He is a walking machine and he is such a fun boy! He loves to tackle, fall into pillows, be tickled, shoot baskets, throw balls (or anything he can get his hands on), zoom cars, laugh at his brother, makes animal noises, copy words, play with his cousins, splash in the bathtub, swing, and give kisses!

He also loves to screech, scream, and cry LOUDLY when he doesn't get his own way! Just like his brother and Daddy, he is one stubborn dude! Not at all like his Mommy, ha! I pray that one day he'll use this feisty streak for good, be a go getter, and not stop until his dreams come true!

But then again, he is just the cutest thing ever with his huge, chubby cheeks and big, round, blue eyes and wide toothy smile that when he's shrieking, or throwing food off his tray, or knocking down lamps, you just can't get mad! He flashes that sweet smirk at you and your heart just melts!

He is definitely our wild child, or as Nolan likes to call him, our "Monster Baby"! But he keeps us on our toes and makes life an adventure! We are so blessed!


Cara S. said...

Love you Heator-bombs!

mjohnson8804 said...

What a cutie!! Can't wait to have him all week!!