Monday, September 17, 2012

nine months

Mr. Brooks is nine months old! 
He is still the easy going, happy guy that he always has been! 
He loves to dance and do his famous "wiggle wiggle" moves! 
And he has the best laugh and oh so many tickle spots that are just too hard to resist!

He is eating all fruits and vegetables and loves to pick up finger foods and feed himself. He LOVES crackers! He has 3 or 4 bottles a day and we are going to start tackling the sippy cup this week! (Mommy's been slacking on that one..)

He has 2 teeth on the bottom and 2 popping out a tiny bit on top! He wears size 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. His hair is still on the darker side and I am thrilled that so many people think he looks like me! He says, "da da da da" all the time! 

He takes awesome naps and sleeps great at night too! (Except for lately when he's been waking up around 5 a.m. We give him a bottle and then he goes back to sleep for a few hours, so that's good. We think it's because his teeth are bugging him! Hopefully this little habit will end soon!)

He is a late bloomer in the gross motor area, just like his brothers, he's not crawling yet. He loves standing and playing at tables, sitting on the floor with a bunch of toys, hanging out in his exersaucer or Johnny Jump Up, and doing tummy time while watching his brothers play. He has started to dive for things and gets stuck in interesting positions, and has even taken a tumble off the couch...oops! (Not our best parenting moment!) We are enjoying the "put you in one spot and you don't move" phase for a little while longer because we know that before too long he'll be on the move! 

You don't see this face often, but when you do, isn't it just the saddest thing?! Teething will do that to ya! He loves to cuddle and snuggle and Mommy is always happy to oblige! 

He likes to do this "Super Man" move that his older brothers did too! It's pretty cute! And he has just the greatest expressions! He is super social, does the best double arm wave, and claps his fists together. 

We have his nine month appointment on Friday, so we'll update his stats then. But I'm pretty sure he is a couple of pounds lighter than his big brothers were at 9 months! So he may be in the infant carrier for a few more weeks/months. Bummer! 

We just love our little guy so much! We are treasuring this last go 'round and all that the baby phase brings! 


pamnrandy said...

Love him and his dark hair.

Cara S. said...

Love that little munchkin! Great pics.

Kati Hart said...

He is sooooo adorable. He is going to break some hearts one day with those sweet baby blues!