Saturday, March 27, 2010

"See you soon!"

This afternoon as Nolan was saying goodbye to my mom when we dropped her off at the airport, he called out to her as she shut the car door..."See you soon!" It was so adorable and I have no idea where he learned that phrase from, but it was so appropriate...we hate saying goodbye! So, "See you soon!" just felt so much better! Even though we won't see her until late June, except for our weekly Skype dates!

We had a great week together! It flew by! We spent a lot of time doing the things we like to do together: shopping, running errands, cooking, baking, sewing, watching our favorite shows, and playing with the boys! We even got to have a snowy night out to go see Mary Poppins! And Grandma sure did come in handy with potty training this week- we spent A LOT of time in the bathroom! Nolan is making good progress- pretty much going every time we put him on the potty. He's wearing Pull Ups now and they even stay dry sometimes! Now for him to just get better at telling us when he has to go!

It seems like the boys are growing up so fast! And we love having my mom visit to take part in our day to day life! If only they would move here!
Here are some pictures from our week together...

At the beginning of the week we had wonderful weather and enjoyed some time outside!

Here is our 4 month old! Wow! Time flys!
He had his 4 month well check this week, here are his stats:
Height: 26 1/8 inches (90%)
Weight: 14 lbs. 2.6 oz (45%)
Head Circumference: 41.5 cm. (30%)

Heath cooing and talking with Grandma!

Baking Easter cookies!

After driving between 5-20 mph all the way downtown, we made it through the snow to see Mary Poppins! It was a great show! We enjoyed the music and seeing Mary fly right above our heads. The slushy drive home, however, was not so fun!

Nolan pigging out on his favorite "Cars Noodles" a.k.a. Cars Spaghetti O's with meatballs!

A cute smile from our little guy!

Nolan loved wearing Grandma's reading glasses! Too bad the next day he brought them to me and said, "Grandma's glasses broken"!

We did a little painting!

My mom worked hard to make Heath his very own Easter basket this week.

Everyone in our family has an Easter basket that looks like this, only in different colors. My mom made them for us for our first Easters and has made them for the boys too!

Grandma keeping Nolan entertained while on the potty!

Just another one of Heath's famous faces! His eyebrows are so expressive!

Nolan LOVES his Daddy! And he LOVES piggy back rides!

Daddy is already full swing into his Denver Christian baseball season, but Nolan is gearing up for the Rockies opening day! Here he is sporting his Rockies cap and typical "CHEESE"y smile!

Thanks Mom for all of your help and for loving the boys so much!!! We wish we could have you here more often! Missing you already..."See you soon!"

xo xo xo

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago

We had the best time on our trip to "Uh-ca-go"! It was 9 days of non-stop running around, meeting with friends, visiting with family, and eating AWESOME food! Burgers, pizza, hotdogs- gotta love Chicago style, the only thing I missed was a delicious Italian beef! Next time!

The boys did great on the plane and had a ton of fun! (Most of the time!) Heath was a little fussy & gassy for part of the trip. And we learned a few new things about him. 1. That he loves to be held facing out- he wants to be a part of all the action! and 2. That he definitely DOES NOT like to be hot! We had to strip him down numerous times to make him a happy boy! Now that we are home he seems to be feeling better. He missed his swing & play gym, only now he is missing his Auntie, Uncle, and Grandpa!

Nolan was pretty flexible and did great with less nap time and more late nights. Although, we did spend one LONG morning at the Walgreens clinic finding out he had, yet again, another ear infection! But the drugs work wonders and he was pretty much back to his chipper self later that afternoon. Now home, he is still catching up on a bit of sleep, and has a runny nose, and is STILL getting those 2 year molars, but he is LOVING having his Grandma here for the week!

I made a video of all of our fun adventures! It was so nice being "home", but it is also so good to be back! We definitely missed Mark for the last 5 days of the trip! Being a single mom of 2 boys for those days was a lot of work!

Thank you to all of our family and friends who always welcome us "home" with open arms! We love you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"uh-ca-go" here we come!

Mommy: "Nolan, where are we going tomorrow?"
Nolan: "UhCaGo!"
Mommy: "Who are we going to see there?"
Nolan: "Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie Mal, Uncle, Green Duckie"

Tomorrow we are off on an "airplane, up, up, up in the sky!" We are going to visit my family in Chicago! Mark will just be with us for a few days because he has to get back to Colorado for baseball. Then the boys and I will stay on for awhile longer and will fly back with my mom for her Spring Break! Nolan is super excited! Let's just hope he sleeps o.k. and does well with all the running around we will do! We have a lot of places to go and people to see!

We've enjoyed my first week off by staying home, playing outside, and running errands to get ready for our trip! I have the next 2 weeks off and then will be back to school for my last 9 week stretch of this school year! Crazy! And we have a lot of fun things coming up too: Chicago/Michigan vacation, Grandma's spring break visit, Auntie Jayne & Uncle Brad's trip to Colorado, Easter, & Las Vegas! Bring on the Spring!

Here are a few pictures from our first few days of Track off!

My handsome little guy!

Mommy's Little Monster loves seeing the world from his new view in the Bumbo!

Nolan loves playing with can kind of see his creation in the bottom of this picture! He makes some interesting blobs of color!

playing in the basement in his tent and tunnel

"silly guy, silly guy"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ernie is Thirty!

Happy birthday today to our long time friend...Ernie! On Sunday, his most excellent wifey threw him the most creative SURPRISE 30th birthday party! It was a 3 on 3 basketball tournament at the boys old high school. It was a blast watching all of our friends play, and Nolan had so much fun running around and chasing balls, he wanted to be out on the court with the big kids so badly! Mark was on the winning team and was exhausted by the end of the day! Too much basketball is hard on a thirty year old body!

Nolan's best "CHEESE"!

Perfect basketball game food: hotdogs, chips, and pop! Cake too, all in the cafeteria! I'm sure the boys have some fun memories there!

The bracket

Nolan playing in the gym with Jess

Mark in action

The winning teams with Ernie!

Happy Birthday Ernie! With a new baby girl on the way, this year will be a great one for you! We can't wait to celebrate with you in Vegas!!