Just a catch up post for the month of March!
Heath had Dr. Seuss week in Kindergarten.
Mixed up Monday
Fox in Socks
Rhyme Time Tuesday!
Wacky Wednesday
I had Wacky Wednesday in my classroom too!
Theodor Thursday
Oh, The Places You'll Go!
Dress like what you want to be when you grow up...
and bring your favorite book by Theodor Seuss Geisel, a.k.a Dr. Seuss.
Favorite Character Friday
The Cat in the Hat
What a fun filled week for our 6 year old!
The Cat in the Hat meets the Lorax meets Little Leaguer! Heath ate this chocolate Lorax mustache before practice one day! His teacher made them!
Some recent Art Work from the boys...
Heath's Abe Lincoln
Brooks drawing our family
Nolan's LOVE Pop Art was chosen to be displayed in the library at school!
Little Monkey Business Field Trip for Brooks...
Daddy went with and took him to Mc Donalds for dinner afterwards. They had a "super fun" morning together! Super is Brooks' current favorite word! EVERYTHING is SUPER!
This kid and his faces…he keeps us on our toes!
Walking to school on a day I had off after conference week! I miss being able to start their mornings with them this way, but teaching a.m. Kindergarten has worked out well for our family this year.
After dropping the boys off at school we went to spend some time with Auntie.
We walked to King Soopers for a treat and then to the park for some play time.
Brooks bossed us all around the playground! Up and down every slide. We made a lot of "choo choos" that day and had a great time together!
Here are some clips from Nolan's March Choir Performance. I didn't have the best view of him, so I wasn't able to get much video that wasn't blocked by the head in front of me. But I especially loved hearing him sing harmony for the first time. He is so cute!
St. Patrick's Day fun!
I always set up a few little fun leprechaun touches. He sneaks in while the boys are sleeping and leaves them "gold"/ chocolate coins throughout the house. He plays with all of their green toys and stuffed animals and leaves his green pee in the toilet! The boys just get such a kick out of it all! They are on the look out for the leprechaun all day!
I left them each a card to let them know just how "LUCKY" we are to have them as our sons. And they each got some green and rainbow treats as well.
And for breakfast- Lucky Charms and gold coin pancakes with mint green chocolate chips and green sprinkles on top too! Got them all sugared up and then sent them off to school! Ha!
They brought these sweet gifts for their teachers too!
There were leprechauns in both of their classrooms that day as well! But lucky them, they did not get pinched, they were sure to wear as much green as they could that day! Brooks even wanted to wear green pants and a beard like a real leprechaun! He had to settle for his "It's not easy being green!" Kermit the Frog t-shirt! But he looked pretty stinkin' cute!
And of course we finished our night with Shamrock Shakes for dessert! We LOVE this tradition! That night we had a whole conversation with Nolan about how there "technically must be girl leprechauns, even if we can't see them, because how else would there be more boy leprechauns to hunt for gold. The girl leprechauns must be at home cooking and watching the babies and stuff." Oh man! This kid! Apparently leprechauns are stuck in the 50's.
Lila's birthday party!
Brooks had the best time with his sweet friend.
Brooks even had his first play date this month. His friend Gibson took him to McDonalds to play with some of the other preschool friends after school one day. I picked him up there after I got out of school. He had a good time and LOVED riding in Gibson's car and watching a DVD on the way. When we left he said, "Gibson's Mom loves me"! Ha! It is fun for us to watch him make little friendships and try new things!
Play time! After I pick him up from Preschool Lunch Bunch we come home and play together for awhile before he takes a short afternoon nap. I love this one on one time with him.
Nolan and I doing some Science Experiments! Growing crystals!
Celebrating great Parent Teacher Conferences! So proud of these boys!
And finally, I posted this on FB this month. I love this song. And I love it's message. I think it's important for us to remember these words, especially in a time when our country seems divided and at war constantly. And our Face Books feeds are filled with so much sadness. Through it all, this should be our mission.