After our weekend in Whitehall, we headed back to Streamwood for 4 more days of vacation. This was truly a vacation. We just relaxed and didn't make it jam packed. Mark and I got to go to a movie- we saw Jurassic World. And we got to go out on a double date with Don and Jocelyn. And it was so nice to just have slow time together.
My Mom introduced the boys to Yoga. She has a Kids Yoga app on her iPad.
She does it with her students at school.
Nolan got especially into it. It was cute to watch!
Mark and I went for a jog and met my Mom and the boys at a purple park they had spotted earlier in the week. They walked and then we played together before we took off to jog some more and my Mom walked home with the boys.
They all loved this steep slide.
This picture was missing from the last post. Heath's date actually took place after Whitehall. He patiently waited for this monstrous strawberry sundae.
One day Flobby took us back to Enchanted Castle. We went last summer, but Mark had already left, so this time he got to join us too!
Flobby's family friend owns the place, so we got the royal hook up!
The boys enjoyed the rides and games!
And the time with Auntie and Flobby was pretty special too!
This year we all got wrist bands for unlimited rides and activities.
Bumper Cars are always a HIT!
And this play land is super fun! Brooks had a blast in it too this year!
Then it was off to the go-karts!
This was Brooksie's favorite! He rode with me, Heath rode with Bob, and Nolan rode with Mark. Mark and Nolan came in first, Bob and Heath second, and Brooks and I in third, which N & H thought was hilarious! Especially since 2 cars edged me out! Oh well, I had a fun little joy ride!
We also rode this spinny ride a time or two! Nolan and Bob enjoy the crazy spininess the most! (Which I'm sure they will be ride buddies when we are in Disney World!) Nolan loves the thrill! I feel like I will puke! And Heath didn't love it either.
And finally we turned in our tickets and got some really awesome prizes! Orange bracelets, candy, and trinkets.
Thanks Flobby for treating us to such a fun day!
Brooks loved playing in my parent's bay window. He would set up these little wooden houses and drive Matchbox cars between them. It was so sweet.
Drawing with chalk on a chilly morning.
We took a walk up to some baseball fields to play a bit. It had rained really hard the night before, so they were pretty soaked and underwater, so we didn't get to play a "real game". But it was fun.
Family Dinner at Portillos!
I had been waiting all week for this! Of course I got a burger. But so did the boys. Portillos doesn't have a kids menu, so the burgers they got were the same size as mine. And they PUT.THEM.DOWN! Brooks got a hot dog and scarfed every last bite as well. I'm raising them right.
Sleepover at Auntie & Flobby's! Picnic, wii, movies, not enough sleep, and only a little drama = a successful night!
This one creeped into Auntie's bed early in the morning.
Loving on Gryffin in a calm moment. Most moments they are chasing him and pointing lazer beams in his eyes. No wonder he hisses at them. Ha! But they still looooooove him!
Cuddles with Grandpa!
And of course, we had to celebrate the new Stanley Cup Champions THE Chicago Blackhawks! Mallory picked up these shirts for the boys! They looked so cute sporting them for our road trip home!
Road Trip sustenance- Nanas!
And then it was time to make the 15 hour ride home! I have just one more post coming from our day spent at Brookfield Zoo. I had so many great pictures there that it deserves it's own post. Our trip home went great. Just stopping for the bathroom when we stopped for gas. Brooks talked our ears off. They napped and watched movies and were such troopers! Mark doesn't love driving, but it was really worth it and went so well!
We were so thankful for such a great trip and for lots of family time and happy memories. We love our family so much and wish we lived closer. Good thing Mal & Bob are moving out here so soon! Now we just have to work on my Mom & Dad! It will happen. I know it! Love you guys! xoxoxo