We have had a fabulous Fall Break at our house! Nolan had 2 weeks off of Preschool to relax and enjoy the beautiful Fall weather we've had! It was fun to have him home with Heath and I on my days off of school! I know he loves school and is learning a lot, but I still miss him when he's there! And it was really nice not to have to drive him back and forth too!
Here are some pics of all we did to make his break super fun! (Most of these pictures were taken from my BlackBerry's camera...so they are definitely not the best quality but I still wanted to document our adventures! When I'm busy with the 2 boys by myself it's just not always practical to have my big ol' Canon around my neck! )
Both weeks we went to the library for Story Time and to check out some new books and DVD's. The Parker Library has a fantastic Story Time that is very interactive! Stories, songs, and movement! In this picture the boys are singing a song about leaves blowing in the wind and they are using scarves to imitate the wind!
(Notice Heath's 24 Hour Fitness sticker on his back...oops I forgot to take it off! But I've been TRYING to still make it to the gym a couple of times a week! It's good exercise for me, a nice break from the kiddos, and the boys love playing at the Day Care Center there too! So it's the perfect way to spend an hour on my days off!)

Here is Nolan at the library again! This time shakin' his egg like the leaves shaking off of the trees! I don't know if you can tell from what the boys are wearing, but from one week to the next, our weather changed quite drastically! We've had 80's and we've had snow! It's just another crazy Colorado Autumn!

The boys run a bunch of errands with me on days off! It's nice to get them done during the week so that our weekend can be family time! A King Soopers highlight- riding on the horses!

We took a wagon ride this time...we hadn't done that in awhile! They like looking at and laughing with each other on their ride!
One rainy morning, me and every other mom in the town of Parker decided to take our kids to Little Monkey Business to play for a few hours! It was crazy packed but the boys still had a blast!

We hadn't been here in almost a year! I think the last time we went was on Heath's 1st Birthday! The boys went pretty much non stop so with my slow camera phone and their fast pace, I don't think I got any pictures of them actually looking at the camera!

And I actually got Heath to stop and pose...

He always leans into the camera and says, "EEESE"! His version of CHEESE!

This picture makes me laugh...mid bounce!

Little Monkey Business has a great art room too! My two little lefties did some painting and we made some puff ball spiders too!
Nolan never really used to be interested in arts and crafts, but since starting school he will want to sit and do projects for longer periods of time! It is fun to watch him learn to cut and use, what he calls his "helper hand" and to attempt to color in the lines instead of just scribbling. He would still rather be doing something imaginative or playing with his toys, but we tried to do some "school work" each day while he was on break!
We finished off his 2 weeks with dinner out at Red Robin this weekend and a fun night at my school's Monster Mash!
But somewhere along the way he must have picked up a nasty stomach bug! He spent Saturday night and Sunday puking and sleeping! It was so sad to have to watch him feel so bad! At 1 a.m. as I was in his bathroom washing off his favorite Fluffy puppy (who happened to get sprayed with a little throw up!) and he was laying on his top bunk (because he had puked in bed and we were washing the sheets- oh so fun in the middle of the night), he sat up and said to me in the sweetest, softest voice, "Thank for making my room clean!" Adorable! Oh, what I wouldn't do for this kid!

Poor guy was SO sick! I've never seen him so lethargic. He just wanted to lay around and cuddle! Who was this boy?! He would fall asleep on the couch or on the floor playing!
And we even had to keep him home from school today! He has eaten really nothing over the past 24 hours and now has some yuckiness coming out the other end! (Sorry for the over-sharing!) Hopefully a day to rest and build his strength back up will be good for him and he'll be back at school tomorrow! I was so sad having to call him in sick this morning! He really was looking forward to going back to school and seeing what his new unit was going to be. And he said to me yesterday, "I think my friends miss me!" This teacher Mama really didn't want him to be absent and miss out on anything! But I also don't want him to get any other kids sick...so I think we made a good call!
In other news, we've been working on a little of this for the past few weeks too...
Heath always wants to try and go potty when his big brother does. He sits down and tries to push and pretends to wipe. He tells me often when he has to go, but very rarely actually goes on the potty! He has gone a few times and we've made a BIG deal out of it! He feels so proud and gets a candy corn afterwards, which he LOVES! But most times we spend 15 or 20 minutes about 5 times a day, just practicing! I know it's still pretty early and he's not even 2 yet, so I'm not in any hurry, but I just thought I'd take him up on his interest and hopefully it will help in the potty training process when he is really ready!
And this next picture is because my bestie thinks I am neglecting our #3...
Here I am at 30 weeks! (Right now, I am almost 32 weeks, but I haven't taken a pic since this!) Wow! I'm huge and I still have 10 weeks to go! I've been picking up a few things here or there for this new little guy and I've been trying to put together his nursery a bit. But it's slow going. I just can't get inspired with yet another boy theme! Eclectic seems to be the route I'll be taking with the decor. I'll take some pictures when I actually have something on the walls!