Friday, August 26, 2011

Feelin' HOT HOT HOT!

I've been off track and it's been one HOT HOT HOT day after the next! So we've been spending A LOT of time in the pool to cool off!
We LOVE splashing around in the backyard kiddie pool!

I just couldn't resist posting this one! He is TOTALLY his father's son!

I even take a dip in the little pool every now and again! It's actually much more relaxing then playing with and chasing the boys at the big pool!

And we have the BEST time at Grandma Inge's pool too!
Once in awhile Daddy gets to play with us!

And on any given day an assortment of family members show up for the fun!

Oh, that squinty eyed smile! What a goof!

Heath and Cohen...these two are inseparable! They have so much fun together!

Brady and Nolan think it's hilarious to try to make each other laugh and laugh! The sillier, the better!

Look at all these handsome fellas! In age order from left to right: Brady (4), Nolan (3), Heath (21 months), Cohen (15 months), and Landon (8 months).

And just think, 1 more boy will be added to the mix this December! What fun, and trouble, will they all have together!

We have 1 week left of my Summer track off! And I'm sure we'll try to pack in as much pool time as we can before it closes after Labor Day! We love our HOT, sunny days, but I'm actually really looking forward to some cooler weather and all the fun that Fall has to offer!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Denver Botanic Gardens

Family Fun Outing #2- The Denver Botanic Gardens
Grandma treated us to a beautiful day surrounded by God's amazing creation!

The boys had a blast running around in the sunshine and taking in all the sights!

There were so many cool paths to discover.

It was an H-O-T day! We stopped frequently for rest in the shade, snacks, and refreshments!

This little rascal wanted to run the whole way through the gardens! Eventually he wiped out and let us push him in the stroller for a bit of relaxation.

Nolan put on a little show for us on this bench! He was singing and dancing...what a goofball! And he just eats up all the laughs he gets from us and especially from his brother!

My mom and I always take a picture together on each of her trips. She has a special album for all of these photos. It's neat to look through them and see all the different places we've been and adventures we've had together since I've moved here. (Not to mention our different hair cuts and colors and my ever expanding and deflating waistline! Hey, that's what happens when you have a baby every 2 years! Ha!)

We took this picture in the Japanese Gardens. This was my favorite part of the Botanic Gardens. I love all the neatly manicured trees and shrubs. (Maybe just a little clue to my completely Type A personality! The perfectionism is appealing to me compared to the other wild, freely growing flowers and greenery.)

The boys completely LOVED this pond full of Koi fish!

They could have stayed here all day watching the fish and secretly feeding them crumbs from Heath's granola bar! (I know, I know, we probably should not have been doing that! But they were having so much fun!)

After walking the whole gardens we made our way up to the top of the parking garage where they built the best Children's Garden overlooking the city and the mountains!
The boys had a blast running and running! Nolan loved this rickety bridge!

They have magnifying glasses out for the kids to investigate the flowers and plants.

You climb up some rocky paths to this bridge...

that leads to this cave and a rocky mountain overlook. Nolan found these hidden creatures along the way.

Heath peeking out from the cave!

The Children's Garden also has a great little creek to splash around in! True to form, my cautious eldest son, waded in slowly. It didn't take him long to warm up and start exploring on his own, but he just takes his time and really becomes familiar with his surroundings before he can let loose.

On the other hand, my crazy one just plopped himself right down and splashed away immediately!

Nolan had fun pulling these big sticks out of the beaver dam and hauling them around!

Nolan looked for cool rocks and creatures. Heath loved watching and making the water splash and move. It is so awesome to see how at times their personalities could not be more different. Each completely unique and perfect in their own way!

They both ended up soaked from all their splashing! And this Mommy was pretty much not prepared! They ended up driving home in basically their undies! But at least it was refreshing and really cooled them down!

What a neat, new experience for our family. Thanks Mom for helping us create wonderful memories! We can't wait to go back again...only this time we might bring our bathing suits!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tiny Town

We are always in search of new and fun things to do or places to go when my Mom is in town. It seems like we have pretty much done it all! But this trip I was actually able to come up with 2 fresh ideas! The first being...Tiny Town!

Tiny Town is in Morrison, Colorado, so it's just a quick trip into the foothills from our house. And it is super affordable. $5 for adults, $3 for children 2 and up, and $2 for a train ticket! So for a fun morning out and a new experience for our boys it was totally worth it!

Right when you walk into Tiny Town there is a small roundhouse for their miniature trains and cars. Nolan thought it was pretty cool to see where the trains "live".

And the first building we saw ended up being the boys' favorite of all! (And of course, just my luck, after this first building my camera battery died! Good thing my mom brought hers!)

They crawled right in and ran around!

Nolan looking out through the windows of the Fire House!

Heath did NOT want to come out! He was having so much fun! I love how this photo makes him look like a giant!

Nolan and Grandma made a wish at the wishing well.

We stopped in the shade for a little rest! It was a hot day!

Some of the buildings are so small that you can't go in them. You just look through the windows and take a peek at what's inside: little people and furniture and such.

But some are even just big enough for adults to go in!

Checking out a very tiny house with tiny little steps!

Heathy connecting with his Dutch heritage in the windmill!

Swingin' away at the Tiny Town park

The park was really nice & fun!

A little river runs through the park. The boys enjoyed finding and throwing rocks into the water!

Smiling with Grandma!

Peek-a-boo Grammy Pammy!

After walking through all the tiny houses and playing at the park it was time for a train ride!
Nolan loved the ride and looking at all the little houses and lawn ornaments along the way!

Tiny Town was the perfect boy outing- climbing, playing, running, riding, trains, and more!

After the train ride we hit up the gift shop for a little memento of our fun day together! We walked away with a train whistle that also has bubbles inside for Heath and a lego train for Nolan! (Secretly, I steered them to the 2 least expensive things in the shop! Ha! But they were thrilled with what they got!)

I'm sure with another baby boy on the way we'll be back to visit Tiny Town again in the future!