Sunday, January 31, 2010

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

This weekend I was blessed with one of the greatest gifts I could possibly imagine...3 days with my best friend Jill! If you know her, you know she is SUPER fun! And if you know us, you know we are SUPER loud and so funny when we're together. "We are the funniest people we know!" (We may be a bit biased though!) Now add into the mix her SUPER cute daughter Rowan (who can definitely keep up with us in the loud department!) and we were ready for a whirlwind girl's weekend! (Well, with Nolan, Heath, and Mark too!) Her husband John and almost 3 year old son Trey stayed back in Michigan. We missed them a lot! And I think that Mark probably missed them the most since he had to be the lone husband in the midst of all of our craziness for a couple of days! But he is a great sport!

We spent a LOT of time talking, laughing, and trying to advance past stage 3 in our throwing technique! (We are both SUPER athletic!) We did some dancing (I'm really good!), singing (Mr. Sun happens to be the favorite right now), and chasing of kids. We were always wiping noses, cleaning up toys, feeding bellies, calming tantrums, and putting kids down for naps- again and again and again! And we managed to squeeze in a bit of shopping, some reality t.v., and even a few random moments of quiet- only to be interrupted by one of three needy children.

Oh, how our time together has changed!! But oh, how we love living life together! If only we could do it in closer proximity! Check out some pictures from our busy weekend together!

Nolan opening up a belated birthday gift from the Sloothaaks!

Heath got a monogrammed puppy towel! This was the best pic I could get!

Here's a better one...a BIG smile at the Denver Children's Museum!

Nolan and Rowie playing at the museum...the first few days he pretty much tolerated Rowan in his world! Stay tuned for how their relationship blossomed! (He really missed his buddy Trey Trey!)

Firefighter No-No!

Nolan and Auntie Jill playing Puppy Pals Bingo! A great game to practice colors, shapes, and patterns! Nolan had the names of 12/16 puppies memorized after only playing 2 times! He loves animals! Thanks for a fun new game Sloothaak family!

Uncle Marky and Rowie sporting their Bronco gear! Mark loved having a little girl to play with for the weekend...maybe he'll have his own someday!

The best picture we could get with all the kids! Nolan was not having such a hot day! He had had about enough of that little girl getting into his business! He threw a bunch of tantrums and wanted nothing to do with Rowan! So sad! Hope he grows out of that phase by the time Heath is up and around and wanting to play with him or with his toys! But, now if you ask him who his friend is he'll say "Row"! He's all talk, just like his dad! Funny thing is that someday he'll probably ending up having a huge crush on her!

Nolan enjoying some quiet, one on one time with Jill. He is very much into having quality time with us right now...we think a little jealousy is starting to set in and he has begun to act out a bit. So he really needs some extra lovin' these days! It was fun having Jill here to help give it!

We spent our last night together eating pizza, watching Miss America, ranking our favorite girls, and having a pomegranate martini! Here we are after a long day as mommies!

Thank you "Jiw" and Rowan for a fabulous weekend! We treasure your friendship and are already counting down the days until we see you again in March! Love you!! xoxoxo

Monday, January 25, 2010

2 months!

Heath had his 2 month well check today with the pediatrician. He is doing everything he should be- smiling, cooing, following objects by moving his head from side to side, holding his head up pretty well, and moving his head from one side to the other when laying on his tummy. He is sleeping anywhere from 4 to 6 hour stretches at night. And he is eating about every 4 hours during the day. We've been trying to transition him into sleeping in his room at night, but have only had one successful night so far. Mainly because I am too lazy and hate walking back and forth to get him settled, give him his paci, and to feed him! I am determined to make this work soon though! Nolan was only in our room in the pack 'n play for 4 weeks- Heath is going on 9!

It's been fun to see how alike and different the boys are! They are both pretty mellow, although Heath does like to be held more. Nolan ate a ton and slept awesome, Heath eats o.k. and sleeps just o.k. as well! But they both have the best cheeks, big eyes, and great smiles!

Heath's 2 month stats: Nolan's 2 month stats:
Height: 23 5/8 in. @ 75% Height: 23 3/4 in. @ 75%
Weight: 10 lbs. 9 oz. @ 25% Weight: 12 lbs. 6.2 oz. @ 75%
Head Cir: 38.9 cm @25% Head Cir: 38.8 cm @25%

Isn't it funny how their height and head were almost exactly the same, but their weight is so different! Nolan is my little butterball and Heath is my little string bean! Both perfect in their own ways! I love being the mom of boys!

Heath cashed out on the floor after tummy time- he was exhausted from his shots!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Just a little something to brighten your day!

Yee Haw!

This Wednesday we went down to the Denver Coliseum to visit the National Western Stock Show! My last visit to this event was about 5 years ago and left me wheezing, sneezing, and snorting. I vowed to never go again, but Nolan loves animals so this mama sucked it up and joined in on the "fun"?! I did much better, sneezed a bit, but at least my throat didn't close up this time! Here are a few pictures from our evening...

Checkin' out the Chickens

Looking at the piggies

Petting the "nakie sheepies"!

Riding a John Deere

My cowboy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun-Filled Family Weekend!

We had a whirlwind weekend but fun every second! Brad and Jayne came into town, Nolan's Jansen Family Birthday Party, a baby shower, belated Christmas, and a day in the foothills. Here are some pictures we took along the way!

Auntie Jayne meeting Heath for the first time at Nolan's Birthday Party!

The goodie bags...
the front

the back

Nolan's Birthday Chair!

Opening his new soccer goal, ball, and cones from Mommy and Daddy.

Nolan got a Monkey Pillow Pal from Uncle Ken and Peg. He sleeps with it all the time now!

So handsome with his "pen pen" cake! I just love this pic!
Nolan just lights up when you sing him Happy Birthday!

Jayne's Colorado Schemper family hosted a baby shower for her! Here she is playing pin the paci on the baby!

Nolan hangin' with Uncle Brad!

The family playing Rock Band!

A close up of our growing boy!

Flannel Boys exploring the land

Dress Up Time

The whole crew up at the Bosch family cabin! Thanks for a great weekend! Brad and Jayne, we wish we could spend weekends with you all the time! Miss you!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The big 3-0!

We had a fun day celebrating Mark's 30th birthday yesterday! Mark was welcomed into work with a decorated cube, scone, cards, and a birthday crown. Later in the day we had lunch at Garbanzo and a date night including Sushi, and shopping without the boys! And we wrapped up the night with more presents and the final episode of Glee! (our new addiction!)

Mark, I hope your day was wonderful and I can't wait to celebrate more with you in VEGAS! We are going in April with all of our friends to celebrate the many 30th birthdays that are occurring this year!

Mark's decorated cubicle!

Eating our schwarma pitas...we had no idea what they were until 12 o'clock yesterday...but they were yummy! I think Nolan enjoyed his Smarties a little bit more!

Opening his presents in his birthday chair!

He got new golf shoes! No more blisters!

City Slicker

On Tuesday, Barb and I took the boys downtown to watch a parade to kick off the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo! The boys had a blast running around, having snacks, checking out the animals, and watching the tractors buzz down the streets of Denver. Nolan named each animal and made their sounds as they went by and he even learned a new one- a ram. Too bad we didn't have our good friend and tractor expert, Trey Sloothaak, with us to tell us all about each tractor we witnessed. Because this "city slicker" does not know very much about the animals, let alone the farm machinery. Barb actually called me a "city slicker" because I was more interested in commenting on the stench and the "yucky" poop on the street. If you ask Nolan about what he saw at the parade he'll tell you about the cows and the horses, but he will also tell you all about the "stinky poop"! Here are some pictures from our fun morning out!

The boys were so cute sitting next to each other on the city steps- they kept saying "CHEESE" and smiling so big!

Here's another cute shot of the cousins together in their matching fleece jackets!

Running around at the Tabor Center.

Oma trying to wrangle the boys!

One of Nolan's favorite parts of the parade- the puppies pulling a little wagon!

Checking out the horses.

Watching the tractors...

And this one's for you Trey-Trey!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Turning 30...just the thought makes some want to PUKE!

Today is Mark's 30th Birthday! Woo hoo! We have had fun celebrating early and will get to go out on a date tonight as well! When Mark's birthday was approaching I asked him what he would like to do to celebrate...did he want to go out with friends, would he like to have a party at our house, I hinted if he would love or absolutely hate a surprise party, but Mark knew right away what it was that he would want to do. (I guess he's getting more particular in his old age!) He said all he wanted to do was to go downtown with his family and eat at the Spaghetti Factory- a family friendly restaurant with a fun atmosphere! So that is what we did!

We all drove down together and had a great meal in a private section of the restaurant...and good thing we had a little space of our own, because after quickly downing 2 cups of chocolate milk and plates full of spaghetti, both Rylan and Brady barfed at the table within 5 minutes of each other! Gross! But rather than an adult night out, this is what Mark aksed for, right!?

They were both feeling better within a matter of minutes and all was well again! We headed back to our house for another Mark request- moist chocolate cake! And presents of course!

We had a great night celebrating a great man!

Mark, you are such an amazing husband, father, son, brother, Uncle, and friend! You keep us laughing, calm, and unbelievably happy! Here's to 30+ more wonderful years in the future! We love you!