We got to see a final glimpse at our little guy yesterday. This was our last ultrasound until we get to see him in person!! Crazy and Exciting at the same time! I am about 30 weeks along, but measuring 1 full week ahead! So anytime at the beginning of December we can expect this bouncing baby boy to arrive! And I'm not choosing those words lightly- this boy sure is bouncing A LOT lately!

Here is his profile- for the first time we think he looks different from Nolan. Nolan has my button nose. This baby seems to have a longer/straighter nose- like Mark. But we got to see that he has hair! That was fun! Nolan had the best hair when he was born, and it looks like he will too!

This is a shot looking straight down at his face. I usually think these pictures are a bit creepy, but I like how it looks like he has the same great cheeks Nolan has! Gotta love the jowls!
We have a lot to do in the next 10 weeks- finish the basement, get a new roof, decorate Nolan's big boy room and set up his new bunk bed, add the finishing touches to the new baby nursery, and so much more! But in the midst of our home improvement and the craziness of day to day life we are praising God for a healthy baby and a joyful 21 month old!