Back to work today and E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D.! So this will be short! We had a great time with my mom last week! She is an amazing grandma, serving mother, and F-U-N friend! We love you Bing Bong and miss you already!
P.S. Nolan had his 15 month Well Check visit today! He is 27 lbs. (90%), 34 in. (97%), and still 50% for head circumference. So, he's still a BIG boy! Most recently he enjoys scribbling with a crayon (and chewing it as well), "talking" on his phone, his usual balls and cars, and saying a few words- mama, dada, go, tick-tock, ball, and car are his favorites. He loves cows and monkeys and makes their noises. And he is OBSESSED with hats! He points out anyone who is wearing a hat. When he sees one, he points or touches his head. And he turns everything into his own hat- cups, puzzle pieces, and Mr. Potato Head's hat! Too bad we can't actually get him to keep a REAL baseball cap on! We are still working hard on his gross motor...Baby Boot Camp once a week and daily exercises too! He's crawling all over, trying to pull himself up on everything, and starting to climb! He loves exploring and keeps us on our toes! What a fun age!